LAND Coin is an ERC-20 token based on Ethereum network and can be attained by swapping Ethereum. We have 5% of our tokens set aside for early approved investors. Private investors are welcome to use the widget below to swap ETH and receive our LAND coins. The easiest way to swap for LAND coins is to use MetaMask as a Google Chrome Extension. Once you have the landcoins, you can send us a request for a certificate of validity. Our team will review your address to make sure your landcoins are on our valid blockchain, and we will issue you an official paper that will state that your landcoins are authentic and that our organization will honor the 1:1 token to share ratio.

Follow The Link To MetaMask>

Link to MetaMask Google Chrome Extension>

Other ways to buy LAND coins.

Our investors are also able to purchase LAND Coins using BTC, ETH, LTC and Waves. Please feel free to reach out to us directly.