LAND COIN is an ERC20 token on the Ethereum MainNet network and can be purchase using MetaMask or any ETH-based wallet. Please acknowledge our SCSID below and continue to the area of the website where you can get LAND coins by swapping Ethereum for LAND coins directly from us.
Self Certified Sophisticated Investor Declaration:
LAND COIN & directly attached Corporate Affiliates.
As a registered company, we are required to request visitor information to allow us to show you the full details of our chosen investment portfolio.
Self Certification as a High Net Worth Investor, a Self Certified Sophisticated Investor, a Sophisticated Investor, or a Restricted Investor
In order to discuss the investment possibilities of our projects interested parties must self-certify; as High Net Worth Investors, or as Sophisticated Investors as specified by the Financial Conduct Authority. This procedure provides the opportunity to investigate the financial details of our investment offerings and to enter into conversation with us.
The FCA legislation makes the following classifications:
High Net Worth Investors
(i) have an income in excess of GBP 100,000 per annum and/or
(ii) have net assets (excluding primary residence) in excess of GBP 250,000*
*Net assets for these purposes do not include:
(a) the property which is my primary residence or any money raised through a loan secured on that property; or
(b) any rights of mine under a qualifying contract of insurance; or
(c) any benefits (in the form of pensions or otherwise) which are payable on the termination of my service or on my death or retirement and to which I am (or my dependants are), or may be, entitled; or
(d) any withdrawals from my pension savings (except where the withdrawals are used directly for income in retirement).
Self Certified Sophisticated & Sophisticated Investors
(i) can receive promotional communications made by a person who is authorized by the Financial Conduct Authority which relate to investment activity in non-mainstream pooled investments;
(ii) the investments to which the promotions will relate may expose me to a significant risk of losing all of the property invested.
I am a self-certified sophisticated investor because at least one of the following applies:
(a) I am a member of a network or syndicate of business angels and have been so for at least the last six months prior to the date below;
(b) I have made more than one investment in an unlisted company in the two years prior to the date below;
(c) I am working, or have worked in the two years prior to the date below, in a professional capacity in the private equity sector, or in the provision of finance for small and medium enterprises;
(d) I am currently, or have been in the two years prior to the date below, a director of a company with an annual turnover of at least £1 million.
Restricted Investors
A certified restricted investor is an individual who has signed, within the period of twelve months ending with the day on which the communication is made, a statement in the following terms:
(i) in the twelve months preceding the date below, I have not invested more than 10% of my net assets in non-readily realizable securities; and
(ii) I undertake that in the twelve months following the date below, I will not invest more than 10% of my net assets in non-readily realizable securities.
Net assets for these purposes do not include:
(a) the property which is my primary residence or any money raised through a loan secured on that property;
(b) any rights of mine under a qualifying contract of insurance; or
(c) any benefits (in the form of pensions or otherwise) which are payable on the termination of my service or on my death or retirement and to which I am (or my dependents are), or may be entitled; or
(d) any withdrawals from my pension savings (except where the withdrawals are used directly for income in retirement).
By entering the investor area of www.LANDCOIN.xyz website or by trading ETH for LAND COIN you agree to weave any right to seek any sort of legal action against the Land Coin team and all of its directly attached corporate affiliates. For any further questions please email Team@LANDCOIN.xyz